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Copyright © 2024 Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation

The Quality and Tenant Engagement Committee oversees the Corporation’s strategic plan and operational performance including areas of building operations, tenant engagement, tenant safety, confronting anti-Black racism, stakeholder relations and partnerships. It establishes an operational performance framework including key performance indicators with annual targets, and monitors progress against these through quarterly performance reports. 

This committee’s Terms of Reference were last reviewed on January 12, 2022.

Quality and Tenant Engagement Committee (QTEC)

  • Linda Jackson (Chair)
  • Deputy Mayor Amber Morley
  • Maureen Clohessy
  • Jim Meeks
  • Fareed Amin (Ex Officio)

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At Toronto Seniors Housing we strive to provide a user-friendly experience for everyone and we understand that some people may require information in different formats or languages.

If you require information from our website in an alternative format or language, contact our Tenant Support Centre by phone at 416-945-0800 or send email to

2024 Quality and Tenant Engagement Committee Meetings