Dear tenants,
I am thrilled to step into the temporary role of Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Seniors Housing, and to support the incredible work that staff and tenants have been doing. Although I am new to this role, I am not new to the work that Toronto Seniors Housing has done to date. As the former General Manager of the Seniors Housing Unit at Toronto Community Housing, I am so glad to see the Integrated Service Model come to life in the roles and programming that TSHC has put in place over the last 14 months.
I’m happy to see all the effort that has gone into working with tenants so far toward developing a new tenant engagement model that meets the needs and diversity of seniors. We are also working with tenants to update our tenant-facing policies, such as the Tenant Action Funds and Use of Space policies. I look forward to sharing more updates on these projects with you in the fall.
Another major project that we have been working on is our company’s goals: defining who we are, what we stand for, and what we want to accomplish as we look ahead. These Interim Strategic Directions (as we are calling them) will guide us as we work together to create safe, diverse and vibrant communities where tenants’ voices are heard and tenants can happily age at home. You can learn more about those online at www.TorontoSeniorsHousing.ca/Interim-Strategic-Directions.
As I settle into this role, I will humbly look to all of you to help me understand your community, your needs, and how I can help make a difference in your lives. Reading Seniors Speak has helped me get to know some of your stories. Our stories connect us to a greater purpose and to one another. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I have reading it. Thank you for welcoming me to the organization