Dear Tenants,
October marks the start of another season for Toronto Seniors Housing. After putting down roots this summer, major work is underway to improve services in continued collaboration with you.
As you may be aware, the Board met on September 29 to hear an update on our work over the last three months, as well as upcoming planned activities. If you missed it, you can watch the recording and read the materials on our website at torontoseniorshousing.ca/about/board-of-directors/board-meetings/.
We will begin recruiting tenants to help us with the Quality Improvement Projects this month. This work is critical to resolving some of the major issues that you have helped us identify across our buildings, specifically safety and security, pest management, and staff and tenant relations. Broader tenant consultations for our new tenant engagement system will also be getting underway later this fall – stay tuned for updates.
Another way we are listening to senior tenants is to use a new report to guide health and wellness planning at TSHC. ‘The Seniors Health and Wellness Initiative: Tenant voices improving quality of life’ engaged many senior tenants about what is important to support health and wellness today and in the future. You can find the report online on the Health Commons website at https://www.healthcommons.ca/project/seniors-health-and-wellness or talk to your Seniors Services Coordinator for a printed copy to review.
As we move forward with our work, we will also be taking into consideration the recommendations from a recent report from the Wellesley Institute that looked at language barriers among older adults living in Toronto’s social housing. You can read the full report at wellesleyinstitute.com/publications/language-barriers/.
I look forward to meeting with more tenants at the Listening Tours. These tours are your opportunity to connect with me in-person and help shape the future of Toronto Seniors Housing.
We kick-started the month with National Seniors Day, and we want to continue celebrating the wonderful contributions and diversity of our senior tenants all month long with the release of our first Toronto Seniors Housing issue of Seniors Speak, which goes out later this month. This is all part of working towards providing you more tenant-centric publications. I urge you to read some of the wonderful stories about our tenants and communities.
I look forward to connecting with you again next month. In the meantime, as always, I welcome and value your feedback.
All the Best,
Tom Hunter
Chief Executive Officer