Monday, February 13, 2023
Dear Tenants,
Happy new year to everyone. I hope you celebrated the start of 2023 safely and in good health and spirits.
2022 was an important year for Toronto Seniors Housing as we ‘put down roots’ to launch the organization. Many noteworthy achievements would not have been possible without the support and collaboration that we received from you throughout the year.
We’ve begun 2023 continuing on the work we started last year for the Quality Improvement Projects (QIP). Kick-off meetings took place in December and January, and meetings are continuing approximately monthly for each of the three priority topic areas: pest management, safety and security, and staff and tenant relations. Tenants and staff confirm that there is much work to be done, and tenants in these working groups have expressed much support for the approach being taken. We are not yet at the solution stage with these projects. Together, we are making sure we agree on the problems we want to solve. We are using data and input gathered from tenants and staff to confirm issues, and create a plan so that real change is made over time.
One of the highlights of my job is being able to meet many of you at the Listening Tours. Since my last message to you in early December, I visited another nineteen buildings and heard from tenants about what’s working and where we need to do more. These conversations continue to play a large role in shaping the directions and decisions we’re making as a corporation to better support you.
Last but not least, the winter issue of the Seniors Speak tenant newsletter goes out this month. You can pick up an issue near your mailboxes, or read it online at torontoseniorshousing.ca/seniors-speak. There is so much talent amongst our tenants that I am discovering through these newsletters. I want to thank you for your continued commitment in making our buildings and communities vibrant and safe places to live. Every one of us has an important role to play in the work ahead, and I’m hopeful that together, we will make continual improvements in the year ahead.
Stay safe and stay warm,
Tom Hunter
Chief Executive Officer